niedziela, 2 grudnia 2012

crib - żłobek

Christmas Images, Quotes, Comments, Graphics
Christmas Pictures - Quotes - Photobucket

All materials

All materials on the project are websites at - wszystkie materiały na temat projektu są na stronie: TwinSpace

eTwinning label

project partners

new school year

In Poland, the new school year runs from September 3, 2012 to June 28, 2013

Free Calendar Generator

school address

Szkoła Podstawowa nr 84
im. Tadeusza Kościuszki
ul. Św. Szczepana 3
61-465 Poznań
Poland – Polska

school 84

Photo Cube Generator


Welcome and greet teachers, pupils and parents from partner schools ... :)
Καλώς ήρθατε και να χαιρετήσουν εκπαιδευτικούς, μαθητές και γονείς από τα συνεργαζόμενα σχολεία ... :)
Bienvenido y saludar a los profesores, estudiantes y padres de familia de las escuelas asociadas ... :)
Herzlich willkommen und grüße Lehrer, Schüler und Eltern aus den Partnerschulen ... :)
Benvenuto e saluto insegnanti, studenti e genitori delle scuole partner ... :)
Witamy i pozdrawiamy nauczycieli, uczniów i rodziców ze szkół partnerskich... :)

Primary School No. 84 - Poznań – Poland

description of the project

The crib is a depiction of the birth of Jesus derived from medieval traditions. Born in Italy, then spread in different countries with significant variations, has become a tradition that unites different peoples and cultures. This project intends to lead students to understand and value the importance of the nativity scene ( the crib) in different cultures capturing similarities and differences in the various countries and in different European contexts.

edukacja medialna, etyka, geografia, historia, historia kultury, informatyka/ICT, język i literatura, muzyka, przedmiot interdyscyplinarny, przedmioty w szkole podstawowej, sztuka


Wiek ucznia:
7 - 12

Proponowane narzędzia:
e-mail, Inne programy (Powerpoint, wideo, zdjęcia i obrazy), TwinSpace, Wideokonferencja

Know more about the culture of our partner school comparing the similarities and differences Practice narrative writing to communicate information effectively. To develop ICT skills Use technology tools to enhance learning, increase productivity, and promote creativity Knowing and enhance our common cultural heritage. Improving own skills in English as a medium of international communication. Increase the motivation of boys in learning. Promoting dialogue multicultural.

Postęp działań:
Through research, photos, descriptions, video, articles, power point pupils further their knowledge about this tradition and exchange them with partners schools.Led by a webquest students inform on the tradition of the crib in their own country and serve as a guide that show and convince the students of other schools (tourists) to visit the nativity of own country.

Oczekiwane rezultaty:
Web publishing